So I know this one just cannot be added at this stage of the game because it is just to "big" and not a priority but I wanted to post it anyway .

My idea was pretty simple but could add a whole new layer of depth to the game . Adding a connection relay for crafts so when you lauch a sat or whatever non-manned craft , it needs a connection with the space center otherwise it will act has if it didn't had any control "pod" to give it orders (throttle up/down , roll left/right ...) . To connect you craft to the space center you could :

1- Put an antena on it . But it needs to have a range high enought to get to the space center otherwise it won't serve any purpose
(I will take in consideration that for all the other option , you will have an antenna that can at least comunicate with something from Droo's surface to it's orbit )

2- Put a sat in orbit of the planet that can relay the informations of your craft even without you having a direct connection to the SC (Space Center) . Most usefull for rovers/surface bases.

3- Making a manned base wich has it's own independent network . Basically a small scale SC that will "create" it's own network (like the antenas on Kerbin in KSp , sorry for the comparision) Would be usefull if you have a base on a planet and an unmaned rover , well instead of needing a sat network to relay the informations , the base on the planet will take the rover in charge and control it .

Two things that could be added with it too would be that if the antena is damaged for whatever reason , depending on the level of damage , the relay range will decrease (of course being 0 if it is destroyed) and that the further away the craft you want to have a connection with is , the longer the informations will take to reach it (like in real life) , but I would make that one optional because it can be pretty annoying for people that don't feel like it ise necesary.

Sorry that it was so long and that it resembles the KSP system so much but I can't really make much changes on something already good , and doesn't it work like that in real life ? Anyway , I hope it isn't that bad of a suggestion and that you guys will like it . Thanks for reading that wall of text guys !

ps: reposting because for some reason , it didn't showed up on the suggestions like almost all my other bug reports

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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged into this post and this post has been marked as duplicate.

    2.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Thanks :D

    6.0 years ago
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    It should be visible now.

    6.0 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison . Sorry for tagging you , it's just that even after reposting it , it still doesn't show up n the suggestion forum , idk if it's intentional (I don't think so) , so I decided to tag you , won't happen again don't worry . Btw , the same thing happens for my bug reports.

    6.0 years ago

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