If you name a craft "_something" you won't be able to see that craft in the crafts list, but if you search something in the searchbar then it appears

EDIT: I'm regreting this bug report because now I see the possibilities of hiding the crafts, my list is too long. But I'm sure that the possibility of creating folders of crafts is a much better solution, so I'm going to keep it up

EDIT2: Points are also problematic, maybe the game shouldn't allow the names to have those characters

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    1,746 DerekSP

    @Majakalona you just mansplained to a game dev

    2 months ago
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    it's not a bug, it's a feature
    It's used to hide stuff you shouldn't see, such as the crafts used for the mission things

    11 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Edit: forget what I said, it lets the player save crafts with all chars, it was a bug preventing me from saving any craft

    @AndrewGarrison so it looks like this is fixed now, when you use - . _ or similar chars it doesn't allow you to save a craft, but it should warn the player about what is causing it to fail.
    And btw, I think there's a bug related to this but I have to test it more that causes the save craft option to stop working after entering numbers and points

    +1 5.3 years ago

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