Add communication relays and sattalites that help other crafts communicate (especially if it’s a probe) and if it doesn’t reach any communication relay, it will lose control and no one will able to control it until it got communication
how is communication granted?
communication is granted with special parts (like radio dishes) to let the main control center communicate, and those parts should vary from communication depending on the dish size, for example if a probe has 90% size, it just may reach its communication to Luna *
what is the difference from manned to unmanned vehicles?
- if a vehicle is manned, it will not need to reach communication lines, but if it unmanned, it should reach communication or else it will turn off and won’t be able to control until it reaches a communication line
hope it will be planned! Any questions ask me in the comment section!
- if a vehicle is manned, it will not need to reach communication lines, but if it unmanned, it should reach communication or else it will turn off and won’t be able to control until it reaches a communication line
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