I found it impossible to build any automated things like automated factory lines,robots which can walk without logical control system,please add it.Add some kinds of sensors like range sensors,press sensor,temperature sensors which can input their outputs into other parts if there will be a logical control systeam

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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    I wanted to make this a suggestion and wasn't completely sure if someone else had or not. Yeah, I want sensors. Both physical parts to add to crafts like lidar/laser rangefinders, motion sensors, airspeed indicators, radar, sonar, multispectral cameras(IR,X-ray,UV,Radio,etc), etc; as well as adding all the necessary vizzy stuff to control/use them.

    3.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Some of the things you're asking for are already in the game (the activators and input controllers)

    But I love something you're proposing here. Pressure plates and lasers for detecting the interaction of other crafts (automated doors for example) would be cool

    6.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @InfinityTechnology It's already in the game

    6.0 years ago
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    This may be a hard work but it looks nice if they added and we use them to build our works.

    6.0 years ago


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