The player orbit line turns black.
While adjusting a Planned Burn the line appears while dragging the gizmo. It disappears shortly after releasing.
The player orbit line turns black.
While adjusting a Planned Burn the line appears while dragging the gizmo. It disappears shortly after releasing.
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Found a workaround for on android. Using adb you can swap the precompiled shader for the player craft with the planet shader.
Pull the planet shader:
adb pull /sdcard/Android/data/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2/cache/UnityShaderCache/4aba6e38f30d18a00d2b52f2a39ae325
Push and overwrite the player craft shader:
adb push ./4aba6e38f30d18a00d2b52f2a39ae325 /sdcard/Android/data/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2/cache/UnityShaderCache/5cc19fbc41c71540e3ec8201d8138505
Is there any work happening fixing this game affecting bug?