
Other Name(s): Arvias,

Pronunciation: Ar - Ven - Th - Ore

”Like an Empyrean of Nihilty”

inspiration: Gargantua

Class: BH

A celestial object so powerful it bends space and time. It is the anchor of the Antarius System and the Tanis Nebula.

Generally Statistics: 
Schwarzschild Radius: 2.37 r
Solar Mass: 557967 mS
Temperature: 9615k
Density: 18419 g/cm^3
Gravity: 36999658 m/s^2
Luminosity: 24.2 LS
Rotational Period: 0.00256 S
Obliquity: [NULL]
Age: [NULL]
Volume: 13.3 vS

Lying deep within Traithad Nebula and Arventhor is a blackhole larger than Sol and lies in a septuple system. It and Tellithor, another blackhole of similar size, orbit as a binary pair. The pair are orbited by 5 stars, 4 of which make up 2 binary systems, with the last one orbiting on the outskirts. This is so because Arventhor, and various other stars, lie in the region known as "Empyrean Highlands", otherwise known as the Core Systems. This region of space is essentially the center of the Tanis Nebula. Arventhor's position (including the Traithad Nebula) lies on one of eight arms of the Astraeus Galaxy known as the Alterran Expanse. The Traithad Nebula is divided into seven regions: Tarrig, Empyrean Highlands, Empyrean Lowlands, Sanctum, Zoliath, Wildar, and Alteran's Outer Reach. It is speculated that both Arventhor and Tellithor are the remnants of giant stars, however, given that there are numerous planets and stars, this seems unlikely. The current explanation and most supported is that Kaithel (colloquially known as "God" or "Yahweh" among the Terrans) created the star system Himself. Arventhor has a relatively hot accretion disc, giving it a temperature of around 10,000k, and a luminosity of roughly 25 suns (based off of Sol). Arventhor, like many other blackholes are largely null and remain a cosmic mystery, only that they exist and warp space and time.

Celestial Bodies:

Total Amount of Celestial Bodies:
| Major: 12 | Minor: 6500+ |

Creator Remarks:
"I love this so much. I am a sucker for black holes, as they are so cool and mysterious. I got inspired off of Mat's blackhole, Nil. No, not because I wanted a blackhole too, but the way he managed to do something unique on a blackhole. The glowy ring thing around what would be the equator was the major reason I decided to "work on it more". Also, the views it offers from Tellithor are amazing. I like to fly around in the system it's in, and boy do I sure like zooming into it, or flying by it, catching breath-taking views of not only Arventhor but also Tellithor included."



  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 1,650.2 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 274.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 950.95 km/s
  • Mass: 1.12E+31kg


  • Height: 2 m
  • Scale Height: 0 m
  • Surface Air Density: 1.0 g/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 9,615 K



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    15.5k Tallisar
    Tis is 2/6 things that are expected to be posted this week.

    //I had this for a very long time, I do not know why I took so long on it. Well, it's out now. Expect Tellithor to be released very soon, along with a few other celestial bodies. Hyperthor is still in WIP.

    Pinned 19 days ago
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    696 heitorM

    Damn son, i thought blackholes in Jno where impossible,

    +1 16 days ago
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    Good one

    +1 17 days ago
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    3,054 KSaf


    18 days ago
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    15.5k Tallisar

    Hell yeah @QuantumSpaceJNO

    +1 19 days ago
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    Binary black holes are going to be crazy

    +2 19 days ago


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