The first planet in the Ulysses - M system.
A very large planet, nearing the size of Urados. The nature of it's star has caused it ro be icy cold despite being close by, which cause the poles that you can see.
This planet has an oxygen content of 40,000 ppm, nowhere near the amount needed for plantlife, let alone supporting Droon. However, the atmosphere is just right, so is the water level. Once a stable settlement has been established in the system, there might be a possibility of terraforming Indael in the not-so-far future. We've built an outpost for you to refuel and launch though.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 4,500 km
- Sea Level: -100 m
- Surface Gravity: 10.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 9.49 km/s
- Mass: 3.03E+24kg
- Height: 54 km
- Scale Height: 7,795 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 263 K

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3,054 KSaf
@Zenithspeed idk how to explain it, but I was searching for a random generator and this appeared in Google images (" this " being an artistic depiction of a planet that sorta looks like this), if you have a PC though, most of the generators I couldn't use were because they were in Blender.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@HighNeurosurgeon i'm curious which random planet generator it is, may i have a link please
2,759 Aludra877
@HighNeurosurgeon lol I can see that, gotta love the random planet generator
@HighNeurosurgeon ah okay
i have seen and used some fully-online ones before, usually just googling "random planet generator" or smth like that (and i'm far too stupid to figure out how to do 3D modelling... or use Blender in the first place)