The Cylero-like moon of Dedixas.
Very red and similar in composition to Cylero, however with a thinner atmosphere and rougher terrain. This terrain is a result of it's crust being tugged on by Dedixas. it appears to be a young moon due to the lack of apparent craters on it's surface.
One problem though: Frequent and deadly duststorms. Landing and investigation will have to be done in the matter of an hour or two, as to avoid the destruction of the lander.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,000 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 7.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 3.74 km/s
- Mass: 1.05E+23kg
- Height: 53 km
- Scale Height: 7,745 m
- Surface Air Density: 0.127 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 183 K
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3,054 KSaf
@Aludra877 once I finish the kerbol thing I'll upload it all in a cluster, unless you'd like me to add a few planets to the pack I made and reupload. I don't mind it bruv
2,669 Aludra877
Wow, looks really wonderful from orbit, wouldn't mind putting a hab in orbit of this (also its a moon of dedixas so its a +1) so 100% would hab this (in orbit)
3,054 KSaf
@Kaeya fun lil tool, although I don't fully understand what it does, the right values get some great results
3,054 KSaf
@Tallisar you make a good point, also regarding the coloring, I did have an off feeling about it, I think that the coloring in the screenshot I posted on the server was more fitting lol
15.5k Tallisar
You do @HighNeurosurgeon, you need to. I use it for mountains and surface detail. I never use it for things like this were it is pretty much used for the entire terrain of the planet/moon. Also, the coloring looks, rather uniquely weird.
3,054 KSaf
@Tallisar took a bit to find the perfect balance where it would actually look good, bit means hours actually. perhaps it's my new planetmaker dumbass-ery but it would just not yield good results no matter what I fed into it. Mayhaps I need to play around with it more? Yeah, which I will do.
15.5k Tallisar
Why @HighNeurosurgeon? It's pretty great. I think you're just not using it to it's fullest.
3,054 KSaf
@Zenithspeed yeah, turns out it wasn't as repulsive as I thought. still not too fond of it though
27.1k Zenithspeed
finally, that "erosion noise" got put to good work (after only being used on venusian template and pretty much nothing else)
@KSaf thanks for the offer man,however I feel it's nice to do the cluster as the world's are all in their natural habitat and state