Drolanam is a rather unique, cold desert moonmoon of Drolaine which seems to have formed within the local area. This desert moon is hypothesized to have been a forest moon with some minor lakes, however it is hypothesized that this moon may have actually been hit by a large, high velocity asteroid, which resulted in it having lost a significant amount of forest land, yet not enough force to annihilate its biosphere which leaves scientists to believe that perhaps it may have been a virus or bacteria which feasted on the plant life at a rapid pace long ago as well as destroy young seedlings in the soil, which then left herbivores left for dead and to scavenge off of some limited remnants of plant matter eventually then leaving them to be hunted to death by carnivores, carnivores are also hypothesized to turn on their own for survival hence becoming extinct rather quickly, ofcourse the remaining dead plant matter was soon then turned into the desertsands we see today it isnt clear what had happened to the water however it is hypothesized that there may be ice unser some regions of this large desertt worldscientists may need to send some expeditions and small landing parties to investigate the sand. Warning: Large equatorial sand storm as well as minor storms north and south
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 742 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 5.7 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 2.91 km/s
- Mass: 4.71E+22kg
- Height: 89 km
- Scale Height: 13 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 247 K