Pronunciation: Seh - rah - troon
"Weird Conservation of Mass"
Date of Discovery: 213.2073
Cool Airless Micro-Terra
General Statistics:
Luna Masses: 0.00159 mL [Too small for Earth Mass]
Radii in km: 114km
Density per cubic centimeter: 3.98 g/cm^3
Average Temperature: 189-212K
Age: 1.074 billion years
Orbital Statistics:
Orbital Parent: Torrah Prime
Orbitable Period: 13.52h
Semi-Major Axis: 0.00011163 Au
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.1637°
Orbital Inclination: 17.05°
Rotational Period: 13.52h [Tidally Locked] [1:1 Orbitabl Resonance]
Axial Tilt: 17.05° [Matched with inclination]
3rd moon from Torrah Prime, farthest moon
Cerra'Trune is indeed a conservation of mass. During the early days of Torrah, Torrah had large, spectacular rings, thanks to it being the closest moon that is nearly half the size of Terra Prime. During that time, most of the material was caught in Torrah's orbit, and closely. Due to the immense force of gravity due to Torrah's proximity towards its rings,submoons were forming much slower and harder, due to Torrah being right there. Cerra'Trune formed from the outer rings, along with another moon known as Qinoclite. After time and time of sharing unstable orbits, Qinoclite and Cerra'Trune eventually collided. Cerra'Trune absorbed the impact due to its larger size [79km] and gained its rings. Over time the dust settled near its equator. The impact also created some cracks due to the moon reforming itself, but its orbit became inclined and eccentric. More cracks formed due to the tidal forces of Torrah, and after time and time of the same process happening, we are now at the present.
Some dust also settles in the cracks, creating a hazy, naturally made atmosphere. It is yellow, due to the material being mostly rock and the color of Qinoclite. Its rings remain currently intact, and a rich in rocky materials. The rarer materials are found in the rings, due to the rings carrying the metals
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 114 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.6 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 370.5 m/s
- Mass: 1.17E+20kg
- No Atmosphere
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9,742 Hyperant
It’s fine, you didn’t plagiarize, and yes, I am doing well @RocketManbuuuuuuu.
1,150 RocketManbuuuuuuu
Damn I just made a tiny little moon I did not steal I promise. also that gorgeous I want it nowwwwww
9,742 Hyperant
@MatTheAerospacer, and @Precetom, I just had this laying around unlisted, and decided to upload it. It’s nothing new, as it is from my first dev log, which showcased the revamped version of Cerra’Trune.
1,056 Precetom
I though this a new post from you, but i see its already 3 months Ago since this post was made. 😅
3,014 MatTheAerospacer
When I saw this I thought you returned but actually you kinda returned
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i forgot i had this laying around in my unlisted for like 2 months. enjoy this long-forgotten piece.