
Other Name(s): Terrebos, Tar'Vek

Pronunciation: Ka - La - Bus

"Demised Torridity"

The US2 version had lava, and I tried making that here, but unfortunately, the clouds said no and I couldn't.

from the US2 version of the Antarius System

inspiration: Venus


Hot Arid Super Terra

General Characteristics:
Earth Masses: 2.69 mE
Earth Radius: 1.32 rE
Density per cubic centimeter: 6.47 g/cm^3
Avergage Temperature: ~850.67k
Gravity: 15.268 m/s^2
Age: ~5.214 SBY

Atmospheric Characteristics:
Atmospheric Composition:
47.90% Carbon Dioxide
25.09% Sulfer Dioxide
17.51% Nitrogen
3.17% Sulferic Acid [Gas]
2.22% Hydrochloric Acid [Gas]
2.13% Argon
1.79% Water Vapor
0.19% Trace Gases
Atmospheric Pressure: 79.21 atm
Atmospheric Mass: 91.003 aE
Atmospheric Density: 55.109 kg/m^3

Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Parent(s): Arventhor, Tempris
Orbital Period: 2.14 SY
Semi Major Axis: 1.73 au
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.01052
Orbital Inclination: 0.0681°
Rotational Period: 38.74 S
Obliquity: 17.2°

3rd planet from ArTis. Lies between the orbits of Dommar and Andrios.
Kallabus, also known as Antarius ABIII (or Antarius C), is also called Tar'Vek by the Hypereans. It is a large hothouse world that experienced a runaway greenhouse effect. In the distant past, Kallabus was much more habitable, though not as much as a similar world, Targus. It did have oceans of liquid water for a short period of time before the water soon evaporated. This then led to the thickening of the atmosphere, which allowed the energy and temperature from the BBH System Arventhor and Tempris, to be absorbed much more than it would be. Aside from that, Kallabus hosts a single large moon, Nephriamn (Biblically inspired name), that orbits far out. Its retrograde orbit has slowed down the rotational period of Kallabus, reducing its present yet faint oblateness. Surprisingly, Kallabus was involved in the Aurean Great War, as this happened during the beginning of the planet collapsing its atmosphere and surface into the hothouse we now know today. Various battles and weaponry took place here, as shown by the various craters, most of which are not even from meteor impacts.

Kallabus is a torrid world with various scars of war and the habitability it once had. In the distant past when the Aurean Civilization was relatively new and young Kallabus was much cooler than it now is, but still quite hot (~390k). It had oceans that laid near its polar regions, promoting rainfall and cloud cover in those regions. The heating from the BBH, Arventhor, and Tempris, has also created storms and various weather fronts as the hot air produced by the heating clashed with the cooler air from the polar regions. It is not much different from most similar worlds discovered like Vulcan from the Solaris System or Indros from the Arlliath System. Kallabus now boasts a thick atmosphere caused by a runaway greenhouse event due to various factors, which, the most prominent one being the evaporation of all the liquid water on its surface.
Kallabus was also volcanically active in the past, along with seismic activity. The volcanism was common in several forms, whether it was volcanoes, geysers, fumaroles, or steam vents, these were also other contributors to the greenhouse effect of the planet. The seismic activity and various tectonic plate boundaries, specifically divergent plate boundaries, have created numerous ravines, fissures, crevices, and gorges of many sizes. This is also caused by the extremely active and large iron core and the fast movement of the various convection cells lying within Kallabus' mantle. This has also caused the continents of the planet to shift and change position. Most of the volcanoes are quite large and are typically shield volcanoes as the convection cells fuel the volcanoes with hot magma rising deep within the planet, essentially meaning that eruptions are frequent and last long.
Aside from that, Kallabus also has a thin, faint ring made of dust. These rings are also expected to be short-lived, as the winds coming from the Arventhor and Tempris are expected to wither the rings. The rings formed during a collision in the distance past thousands of years ago. The collision was between two moons, a large one and a small one, with the larger one "assimilating" the latter, creating the rings we now see today, and throwing it into an eccentric orbit around Kallabus, while also having a very large impact crater dubbed after the second moons name, Naadjorn (Pronounced: Nad - yorn). Kallabus is a burning world that is commonly characterized by the Terrans as "hellish" or "hell-like", along with being similar to their Vulcan from Solaris.
The planet has played a huge role with the Aureans and Hypereans. When the Aurean Civilization was relatively young and new, branching out to multiple planets, Kallabus at the time was much more habitable, although it still had quite the extreme environment. It was very hot at being roughly around 425 kelvin. The pressure was no different as it ranged from 4 to 5 atmospheres. Liquid water was present on the surface, being situated near or on the poles. During the winter seasons, sparse, thin ice sheets would form. Kallabus also had a much faster synodic rotational period as Naadjorn and Nephriamn have not yet collided in a retrograde manner. Naadjorn was captured and had a retrograde orbit. This orbit was unstable as the Kallabus and Nephriamn both were prograde. After the Aureans settled near the poles for the cooler temperatures and liquid water, they began terraforming the planet. This lowered the average temperature, making it quite hospitable to the average Aurean. Since then, it remained quite the same, although the culture that developed on Kallabus was centered around the BBH Arventhor and Tempris (ArTis), and heat. After sometime, they Great War broke out. Kallabus was the closest planet to Andrios, and was the next one to be attacked. The Aureans that occupied Kallabus put up a really good fight, until the Tevarion, the attackers, decided to bomb and destroy the surface. The occupants retaliated, and it when back and forth. Eventually, the planet was so badly destroyed that the atmosphere became so thick it blocked most of the light from ArTis, along with trapping the heat. This also caused the water to evaporate, further thickening the atmosphere. Now, all that is left is a deformed surface, ruins, hellish environment, and remains of what prosperous life it once boasted. It is also the planet where the Hyperant Kalbas Sars took control and found shelter here from Vanossias, and made efforts to repair the planet. Though, his whereabouts are unknown, along with the progress he made. There is also a secret here, so powerful and revolutionary that it is best not to remember.
Kallabus had a chaotic past and suffered greatly. From its humble and warm beginnings, to the torrid and demised wasteland and ruins, it left a mark—a scar on not only the Aureans, but also the Hypereans. Terraformation ideas are being proposed and considered, but most of the Hypereans consider this planet to be a lost cause, and it was doomed to fall from the start.

Natural Satellites:

Total Amount of Natural Satellites:
| Major: 1 | Minor: 8 |

Creator Remarks: 
"I kind of like it. Though I didn't get the looks I wanted, I still think it is great. The clouds were a mess to create, as the first one was straight-up ugly. For the second clouds, I used cubemaps, which did not look good whatsoever. These clouds, although they were were not the best-best, were best out of the three attempts."



  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 8,404 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 15.3 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 16.02 km/s
  • Mass: 1.62E+25kg


  • Height: 320 km
  • Scale Height: 46 km
  • Surface Air Density: 55.109 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 851 K



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  • Profile image
    15.6k Tallisar

    It’s finally out.

    Thank goodness I posted this before my exams. Also this thing is filled with lore, and I hope you can take the time to read it, if you wish.

    Pinned one month ago
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    green eve. also good luck with the exams dude

    one month ago
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    @Tallisar please send me me a ping when you upload the Antarius system I'm taking a break for a indefinite time

    one month ago
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    15.6k Tallisar

    I don’t know @Kaeya. But in this instance, the terrain kept changing the color of the clouds, so I used a [Get Constant] with a value of 1.

    +1 one month ago
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    @Tallisar good luck!

    +1 one month ago
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    3,248 Kaeya

    What the hell does get constant do? I see it being used in weird places everywhere

    one month ago
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    2,669 Aludra877

    Aye, good luck with the exams man!

    +1 one month ago
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    3,054 KSaf

    good luck on the exams bruv

    +1 one month ago


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