"It's not a Haumea ripoff I swear"
Fast spinning minor planet with dark blue rings and a strange purplely-blueish colouration. The dark ridge encircling the equator is likely formed by recent cryovolcanic activity ejecting dust which has been pulled to the equator by centrifugal force. No substantial evidence has been found which might indicate any current cryovolcanic activity on the surface, though this likely just means Atnas at this moment in time is dormant. It is likely that Atnas goes though cycles of cryovolcanic activity and inactivity, alternating between the two every couple century, no mechanism for this cycle has been confirmed yet though most scientists believe the gravitation from Atnas' only moon, Sualc, likely has an effect on the internals of Atnas due to Sualc's close orbit and high gravity, about a quarter that of Atnas'.
A large crater likely formed by a comet impact lies along the equatorial ridge and seems to have been partially filled in by the dust.
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 137 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.2 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 256.5 m/s
- Mass: 6.76E+19kg
- No Atmosphere

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3,278 Kaeya
@HighNeurosurgeon shit I should start naming my planets off weird obscure boardgame enemies
3,054 KSaf
@Kaeya I googled Atnas out pure low IQ activities and all I saw was a weird reddit post, I assume that if you also google it youll find the post
3,054 KSaf
Okay, what the @#$!. this is crazy
Also is it Atnas the child eater or somethin -
3,668 Isosceles51
@SeeyaTheFurry I’m talking about that “glowing” crater at around 0N 75E, which is similar to the one on Ceres.
3,278 Kaeya
@Spitty I more think of it as Haumea+Enceladus+Triton, but I guess that works.
3,278 Kaeya
@Hyperant Don’t really know yet what I’ll call it but I have some planet ideas I’ll likely implement into it, don’t expect it to come out anytime soon though.
27.1k Zenithspeed
bro really said "no crater rays? fine, i'll do it myself"
outstanding as always though -
No ones noticed the thing with the name yet…