Foroth - v1.0
- Im not gonna add any stats, because this is the first version of Foroth. It was originally called Forothio back then, but the name really doesn't go well with the other moons of Tarsaeas (i.e. Vandania, Avaris, Shandakury). Here is some basic description, though:
Foroth is the first moon of Tarsaeas, often having the best views, because it resides in the rings. Over time, it removed many particles and dust from its orbit and divided Tarsaeas' rings into two. Now it has this sick-as-hell ridge! Some nights on Jatharis typically have views of Tarsaeas and Foroth.
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,473 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 1.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 2.33 km/s
- Mass: 5.98E+22kg
- No Atmosphere
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12.5k Tallisar
Or, you can make another moon since Tarsaeas is similar in size to Arkkanis and Odriall , so I will increase the moon count to maybe 14 or 15.
@MatTheAerospacer -
12.5k Tallisar
Sure, here is the list of the other moons @MatTheAerospacer
Moon1: Foroth Moon2: Jatharis Moon3: Arrax Moon4: Vannomia Moon5: Thalouruta Moon6: Sumorkon Moon7: Morrias Moon8: Shandakeruy Moon9: Vandania Moon10: Gravis Moon11: Sabonerth Moon12: Yethore Moon13: Ballore
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The new version is being worked on, as I accidentally added too much strength to the noise of the cracks 💀
But it does have a sick as hell ridge! Along with a strange green liquid that will heat your craft until it explodes, and as aforementioned earlier, cracks!