*Link to star system: https://www.simplerockets.com/PlanetarySystems/View/Lbq7y7/Official-Canaan-Trinary-System-2-1-Sol-Future-Update
The first moon of Nysa, some may even say that Ararat is Nysa’s binary companion. Astronomers speculate this massive mars sized moon was formed from a grazing planetary collision. The tectonic activity in this moon may be a result from the collision that formed it and from tidal forces from its host planet.
Ararat is the second object humanity terraformed. Due to its moderate size, this moon quickly became the population center and political center of the Canaan system even before its terraformation was completed. This world would later become the prime target for the occupation of the Amazonian regime because of it’s large population.
- Predecessor: Ararat
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Radius: 610 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 4.7 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 2.40 km/s
- Mass: 2.62E+22kg
- Height: 122 km
- Scale Height: 18 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 280 K
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12.3k lordvader0219
@FLYGUY101 if you go to menu, settings, controls, •••, open dev console, and type PlanetStudio, you will find the planet editor
12.3k lordvader0219
@AK5Z its one big circle. If you want to make smaller circles, you can make more empty “bases” that are set to not be visible on maps
9,712 Hyperant
@lordvader0219 Does it trace the perimeter of the base and flatten it? Or it it just one big circle?
12.3k lordvader0219
@AK5Z when you create a base, and when you select the base, you have an option to “flatten terrain”
9,712 Hyperant
@lordvader0219 And how did you flatten the area near the base? I do not know how to do that!
9,712 Hyperant
This name reminds me of Mount Ararat, the mountain in which Noah's Ark rested upon.
Thank you! Now I need a manual on how to be god! 😅
This isn't as user friendly as I had originally expected...