The main objective of the Ulysses M system.
A habitable submoon of Sathas. They share a special relationship, as due to their sizes and proximity to eachother and Avaphen, the competing gravitational forces have heated Deualil to a relatively comfortable temperature of 300,000mK.
The atmospheric composition is very similar to that of Droo, except a bit denser. Hominization will be fairly simple, so there isn't much necessity for you to land and set up a hab.
- Predecessor: List of Cloud Cubemaps
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 695 km
- Sea Level: 2,750 m
- Surface Gravity: 7.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 3.12 km/s
- Mass: 5.07E+22kg
- Height: 215 km
- Scale Height: 15 km
- Surface Air Density: 2.537 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 302 K
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696 heitorM
This is why i wanted to know how to use the Blank Template, lol, all the colors are amazing also, you must have some talent on choosing the palette
2,669 Aludra877
Beautiful! I love worlds that have that colour of continents, also the clouds and lore are honestly accurate and dope overall!
Caught me on my way to bed. I also discovered that there's an upvote cooldown for planets.
3,054 KSaf
I oughta credit the reason for most of this planet's beauty, @/deepfriedfrenchtoast. Their cloud cubemaps are really useful and contribute alot to the look of the planet
@HighNeurosurgeon you cook EVERYtime