We are still working hard on Planet Studio. It's taking every ounce of our souls to get this thing ready for player consumption, but we are getting closer and we hope to release it in early December. After that, we will focus on the Career Mode as we work toward leaving early access on Steam next year.

Planet Studio has been a behemoth project and it should be since it sets out to allow the player to build things like small rocky asteroids, terrestrial planets with oceans and an atmosphere, gas giants with rings, suns, and anything in between. Nathan has been developing this terrain generation system for nearly four years and it is truly incredible what it is capable of doing, not to mention that is insanely optimized and can even run well on mobile devices!

We have had trouble really using the terrain generation system to its fullest until Pedro came along. He has been blowing our minds with his creativity in finding ways to model realistic terrain features. Fortunately for players, they can easily leverage Nathan and Pedro's hard work by selecting from a set of templates, or any planet from the community, as a starting point for their planet and then adjusting basic settings and randomizing values to alter the planet's terrain.

However, creating truly unique planets will require some knowledge of how to use the built-in noise functions, which can be quite complicated. Fortunately, there will be many planets available that can be used as a reference.

Now that the planet templates are nearly finished, Pedro will start from scratch to rebuild and expand the stock planetary system. He will be maintaining the general feel of the existing planets but will be giving them more interesting features and make them more visually appealing. While we continue finishing this project up, we thought you might be interested in seeing some sneak peeks of a few of the new planet templates that Pedro has been working on.


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    Also @AndrewGarrison the planet templates are there on Android, but they don't show up in the planet studio (and if you make a planet using them, they'll show up but you cannot load that planet)

    4.0 years ago
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    @SassyBoi It's on mobile but it's laggy as hell, eats up RAM like there's no tomorrow, and it's glitchy. I prefer to make the planets using XML and only using Planet Studio to check whether or not it looks how I wanted

    4.0 years ago
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    @NebulaSpaceAgency 👍

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @Resonance uh sure

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @KirRu yeah, that's a point. And if there were two types of servers (like mobile users, pc users) it would be easier for players to load their craft. I think there's a way to solve the timewarping problem... We can try to make timewarping for each player. I mean it's not a timewarp. What if, we can increase the character's speed instead of timewarping. For an example, if you have to do a mars mission, just launch your craft and align your orbit for an encounter with mars. Then, if we can increase the speed of the character then we can reach mars instantly. Tell us your opinion @NebulaSpaceAgency

    +2 4.0 years ago
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    @Resonance hey, maybe someone will make a mod for it, time can only tell

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    @NebulaSpaceAgency ah you're right! Didn't thought of that. And there's one more problem. If someone spwans in a non-mobile friendly huge craft in a server, then all the mobile users will be... some nasty things start to happen. So, my dream's just a dream...

    4.0 years ago
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    @SassyBoi go to settings in game and press this button ... then press devconsle then type PlanetStudio and bam ur in planetstudio on mobile.

    4.0 years ago
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    I was thinking of doing cybertron and unicron(both are planet transformers) if the new update for planetstudio is out and works for mobile.

    4.0 years ago
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    when will it come on mobile

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    90 FSGamer

    When will it come on mobile

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    @NebulaSpaceAgency I think teleporters on current orbit will be a good replacement for time warp. You will not need to wait.

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    "Creating truly unique planets will require some knowledge of how to use the built in noise functions..." Nah I think I can figure it out by adding more zeros to random settings lmao

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @Resonance multiplayer probably won’t come anytime soon, or at all. There are multiple reasons why it won’t, but one of the biggest problems is timewarp. If one player timewarps, everyone else would be forced to timewarp as well. one solution is to remove it, but seriously, who wants to wait a few actual months, maybe years, just for a small interplanetary mission.

    long story short, there are lots of problems that can’t really be fixed

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    Hey dev, it's my dream to have a multiplayer option in SR2. Will you fullfill it?

    4.1 years ago
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    This is so that you don’t have to mess with the code right? Looks awesome and I look forward to it!

    4.1 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    Give me updoot 🔫🗿

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    The Devs look real busy with this! I’d rather get it bugless later than quickly now.

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    +3 4.2 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    "Early December"

    Of 2021

    +6 4.2 years ago
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    @Imsonicnoob they said the eye hoped. And it is our now for steam. So stop complaining, it is Christmas.

    +3 4.2 years ago
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    “Early December”

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    ⠀ https://youtu.be/pDZ58YiUGU8

    The lenny eagle left!

    4.2 years ago
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    2,542 zzazza

    @Arstotzka I'm sure they will make a tutorial blog post for it.

    4.2 years ago
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    105 Au13


    4.2 years ago
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