Even with the development of SPVR going on we've managed to find some time to work on SimpleRockets 2, mainly polishing the game and adding some of the most wanted features that were simple enough for us to get in time.

The list of bugs fixed this time is quite large, but I think you'll especially appreciate the improvements in the aerodynamics physics, getting rid of some problems with lift forces on mirrored wings, transparency working again on the structural panels, the main launchpad supporting larger rockets without them exploding upon spawning...

On top of that, we've added some quality of life features, allowing cargo bay doors to have different types of doors (including none, which allows for custom fill amounts stacking two cargo bays), allowing the FoV in the camera part to be tweaked per part, and changing it in flight to zoom in and out as much as you want, and 2 more sliders.

Cargo Bays

Pedro has updated the textures in all the celestial bodies of the system, with some of them seeing a refresh in their biomes and terrain; and he also added a new, more detailed skybox, for all of you making telescopes to spot all the constellations in the sky.


The full release notes are here


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    A few of us will now focus 100% on SimpleRockets 2 to get the career mode update started while the rest of the team finishes SPVR. Once SPVR is finished, the rest of the team will join us to finish the career mode update. It will be an enormous update, so we want to make sure we get it right!

    Pinned 3.2 years ago
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    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @Probreyene I get that you’re super sensitive, I get that way most of the time. But I explain what is bothering me and usually i feel a bit better

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    Why you is sad bruv?

    3.1 years ago
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    6,445 Probreyene

    @SpaceSharkie201 im sad again thanks

    3.1 years ago
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    @Probreyene very pog, but, do you know what pog means?

    3.1 years ago
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    6,445 Probreyene


    +1 3.1 years ago
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    Version 0.9.802 was released today and it includes some additional bug fixes.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    When @AndrewGarrison told us it’s a enormous update I imagine that there is going to be lots of new things like maybe weather that can interfere with your rockets so you have to launch on clear nights although it might kill phones and maybe a few more parts to make building easier or more hud options i don’t exactly know it’s probably be lots of cool things that are for the new mode like all types of new ways to get money and a large technology tree that would be cool hopefully you guys have no trouble making the game, the way you want to. And put the stuff in that your planing on making because I would probably suck at making a rocketry game and I don’t know everything about coding

    3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    This game as you already know is a little different, But it is just as much fun.
    And on behalf of everyone here I'd just like to say, Welcome to the community!

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 thanks lol
    I've have SP for a year. I've gotten super good in SP, but the designer in this is COMPLETELY different. I love the new features to this though. Just with there were props, but then this wouldn't be for just rockets lol

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    I guess so, @FelixFan1

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    Wise words for the noobs I guess?

    3.1 years ago
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    Hey @LieutenantSOT2, since you’re new here, I can tell you how to have realistic lighting. Go to settings > quality enable image effects, and turn on “High Dynamic Range”, this makes bright objects, such as the sun or a light or the reflection of the sun, have glare depending on if the rocket has a shiny appearance (silver, white, glow in the dark, etc)

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1


    3.1 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison this is amazing!!
    I just recently purchased the game (recently as in yesterday lol) and I'm already loving it. I come from over on the Simple Planes website

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @AR3SZX yeah I am just saying we have online multiplayer so everyone in the game can chat and do stuff and also share thing like Vizzy stuff you know 👌🤘✌️

    3.1 years ago
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    @FelixFan1 I meant droo (earth in the game ) 🧠🧠

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @AR3SZX I said the graphics audio and so on should be crystal clear like GTA V 🧠🧠🧠🧠

    3.1 years ago
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    3,640 Reyzx

    @lordhacker dude, this is not a gta game bruh , tfw

    3.1 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    That would be a lot of work to create.

    3.1 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison im excited for career mode to play on my soon to come pc

    3.1 years ago
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    Can’t wait for career mode

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    Have you considered using a better device than a phone, I mean after all phones aren’t known to handle this game very well.

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    @lordhacker bro thats op at that point my phone cant handle the game anymore

    +1 3.2 years ago
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