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    The rcs does change the orbit (from using thrust, i think) try to attach the rcs on the center of mass... but the gyroscope should only change the heading and pitch
    one tip that took me forever to figure out when docking - put the camera in "follow mode" , and it will keep the rcs "translate up" as up. the camera mode it starts with is "up" from the center of the planet that the craft is orbiting - and if you target the craft that you are trying to dock with, then tap the velocity readout, it will show velocity relative to orbital, surface, or the target - keep it on target and the green arrow pointed at the target using translate

    1.1 years ago
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    i just did the same mission, and launched with heading set to 335deg - once you start the gravity turn (and gaining lateral velocity), the inclination number starts ticking up - then as its getting close to 100 deg, small heading adjustments should set up the original low orbit with correct inclination, and normal pro grade burns to raise the orbit apo/peri - hope its a help, good luck 🚀

    1.2 years ago
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    @shadowrider - great! yes, that would be nice to have, or part dry mass readout - when im still changing the fuel tank size, i make a small tank section (using the fuel drain priority setting to make it the last one to drain in the stage) and have the vizzy run from that...so you dont have to adjust the program every resizing.

    1.4 years ago
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    there is a "part mass" in vizzy - use the part # of the booster fuel tank, and set the "activate stage" to happen when the mass gets 1kg close to empty. so, say the booster fuel tank weighs 1000kg at launch, and 100kg empty...set "activate stage" (interstage) to happen when it weighs 101kg

    1.4 years ago
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    @CORC - phones can add images using the same format, it works for sure -

    ![](picture link)

    just replace the "picture link" with the actual link

    1.4 years ago
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    move the address inside the brackets

    1.7 years ago
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    @gerardo9899 - i was meaning a WIP upload, like this Test Example - let me know if this works

    1.7 years ago
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    @gerardo9899 - that should be it, and having a battery powering it (like Dereric said) - if it is still causing problems, upload a current version and im sure we can help get it working

    1.7 years ago
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    set it to an activation group (should be near the top of "part settings", and turn on the activation group

    1.7 years ago
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    (1/300) × variable value
    the maximum (300) should give the range from 0-1, and the output of the variable would be a fraction of that...if that is what you mean?

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    Pedro's Gyroscope - he made this one that has an input for each axis, just turn off pitch and yaw inputs. it might be possible on the stock gyro, with input controllers...but i havent figured out how to use the new tinker panel for inputs

    +3 1.7 years ago
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    Hopefully monday is a "go" 🚀

    1.8 years ago
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    Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy and Spaceballs

    1.8 years ago
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    the closest thing is sinking a electric motor (with prop connected to it) into a jet engine - a high bypass jet engine will act similar, but the setup would use battery and jet fuel to run

    1.8 years ago
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    @Dereric - that sounds like almost the same thing - when the crafts are docked, they work like a primary, and secondary chips (by which one is under player control) - good to know for the multiple chips in one craft, thanks

    1.9 years ago
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    i think the "replicate" only works when the command chips are on crafts that are docked together - its been a while since i messed with that, but i remember making a craft that assembled by docking a couple pieces in orbit, with the main command pod (in control) and engines on a docked strut with a seperate command chip - im not sure if it still works that way...but i dont think replicate works between completely seperate crafts, vizzy might be the only way for that

    1.9 years ago
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    the full flow staged has a longer time delay between input and full thrust (spool up), and the engines are heavier - the instant and lower thrust of a electric power cycle on a docking craft or lander can be easier to control - but for takeoff and high twr burns, the full flow staged works great

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    try with the "derivative" setting at 0, most plane controls work well with just the "proportional" used on auto pilot

    2.0 years ago
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    @OnlyRealCarrot - lol - good one!

    2.1 years ago
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    yes - more realistic physics is harder to balance crafts, and there are alot more options for customization of the parts - it takes a little longer to learn the settings....but makes it possible to build almost anything you want

    2.1 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 - Great! i saw the screenshot forum post - Thank you for sharing it, more resources are always a help

    2.1 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 - That is a good reference - This is another one with formulas

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @Matrice - i think i understand what you are saying - i might try a test of it, and send a link to see if it is the same idea - i just recently tried to see if the latest update had any changes (attempted the variable pitch blades on a quadcopter, but still stretched like before, and ended up using fixed blades and throttle for control) - but i didnt try the 2nd connection, which sounds like a big help

    2.2 years ago
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    @Matrice - yeah, that is a good idea - the 2 rotators connecting on the same axis has helped alot with some other parts i used it on, but i never tried it on a rotor...and the rotator gizmos have the "size" setting now - the 50kg stock size was kind of heavy, before the update

    2.2 years ago
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    i have tried every way i could think of, and still got the stretch - very low rpm and longer blades reduce it...but usually its too slow for the needed lift - i hope they fix it one day

    2.2 years ago
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    @Matrice - if you break symmetry on the wing with the control surface, then each can work independantly - one can be (pitch + roll) and opposite side can be (pitch - roll)

    2.2 years ago
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    Post Formatting - its pinned to the top of the forums also

    2.2 years ago
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    were they built docked together, or conflicting after docking? there is a setting that says "replicate AGs" that you can turn off in the game on the "command chip/pod" (if you tap on it in-game), or in the command chip/pod settings in the builder screen

    2.2 years ago
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    one suggestion, if you make a roll program - the in game heading lock (PID) controller will override the roll input of any vizzy program...use a slider or variable as your roll input for it to work without fighting the auto-pilot while heading is locked.

    2.2 years ago
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    Agreed, there are a bunch of great performing crafts, with less than 300 parts, and thousands of downloads...but less than 10 upvotes - and 5000 part crafts with more than 25 upvotes, and less than 100 downloads.
    so, most of the time (not always) - highly upvoted crafts have really cool screenshots, but dont equal a craft that performs well

    +4 2.4 years ago
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    the reverse thrust should work if you set "brake" to 100% and then throttle up, with default engine settings - but can be changed to different inputs

    2.4 years ago
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    it should be in meters/second, if the conversions are correct - if you can put a link to the craft with the vizzy, im sure we can see what is happening - it can definitely be done, i have used that equation for an orbit circularization before

    2.4 years ago
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    @misterpotatoes - Guitarist from Guns n Roses, but the spirit of Vunter Slaush will live on...

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    yes - it has a much less dense atomosphere, so performace is similar to high altitude on droo

    2.5 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed - i have found some help with crafts by pinging some players on unlisted WIP crafts and asking if they could help with a test flight, and most players are willing (if they have the time), then do the public upload after fixing any bugs they find - or uploading the WIP with "help" for whatever the issue is...and i usually end up doing the final upload at some crazy late hour, but doesnt seem to effect if people see it

    2.6 years ago
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    @MaxQAerospaceSingapore - i figured one day = 360 deg/day ...then 360 ÷ 24 (for earth) = 15 deg/hr....then 15 ÷ 60 = 1/4 deg/min....then 1/4 ÷ 60 = 1/240 deg/second ...and switching the 24 hours/day to 14 (for droo) - it doesnt figure for rotation around the sun though, measuring the full rotation from a fixed axis would probably be better - or how you did it by meters/sec and radius gets it right on

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    yes, should be correct for earth - and the 360 ÷ (14 hr × 60 min × 60 sec) = 0.0071429 deg/sec would have matched your method, if i got the day length correct - lol

    2.6 years ago
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    sorry, i didnt realize the 24 hour day on the clock was not accurate for a day on droo...but looks like you got it on the other post

    2.6 years ago
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    i think its 360 ÷ (24 hrs × 60 min × 60 sec) = 1/240 or 0.0041667 deg/sec

    2.6 years ago
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    pedro made a variable input control rocket engine that can be set by the vizzy program, and work completely seperate from the throttle. It works great, but the stock engines can't be changed from throttle input

    2.6 years ago
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    @sushiboi - i saw this a little late, but wanted to add that some of the variable input engines, rotators, and gyroscope can be used with a vizzy program to help with adjusting controls (pedro has some good ones to download) - i tried using the rocket config, then having vizzy shut off the roll control in vacuum, like you said, and it worked pretty well - i also hope they add a way to adjust the auto pilot PIDs thru vizzy someday...it would be very helpful for SSTO, VTOL, and other gudance programs

    2.6 years ago
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    @Bibhab - if you have a large enough planned burn to cross the moons orbit path, drag the whole node around the current orbit until it shows an intercept, the craft and planet icons should light up green

    2.6 years ago
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    first - get into a orbit around droo, then target luna(or any moon) and try different planned burns until you get an encounter with the moon. after you have the encounter with the moon SOI, fast foreward until you are at the closest point to the moon, then retrograde burn until you have a stable orbit - hope this helps

    2.6 years ago
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    @Schaden - Ok - glad to see that you joined the website, and sharing some posts

    2.7 years ago
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    gravity assist - this is a good breakdown of how they work - luna doesnt have alot of mass, but can still add some velocity in a flyby - for example, if you draw a line from your closest point of the flyby (periapsis of the hyperbolic trajectory) thru the center of luna, that is the direction of gravity force added (relative to the velocity before entering lunas SOI). aligning that with your flight path is the tricky part, then the time in luna SOI, velocity, and altitude of the flyby will affect the magnitude of the assist...closer and slower encounter = more gravity applied in that direction

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    @Schaden - it usually doesnt take long for people to get there - the forum upvotes only give 2 points, craft upvotes give 15 points each - Welcome to the community 🚀

    2.7 years ago
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    i think there is a minimum number of points needed to post images...it was 100 points, but im not sure if that is still accurate

    2.7 years ago
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    is that the sugar based solid fuel? sounds awesome.

    +1 2.7 years ago