Soyuz 7K-OK : The shadow of the Soviet Manned Mission to the Moon

It took me nearly half a year to complete the Soyuz project. In half a year, I completed the construction of Soyuz rocket and related facilities. This is the most magnificent work I have ever built.

The Soyuz 7KOK is the original design of the Soyuz series spacecraft, and the basic configuration of the spacecraft was finalized at that time.7K is the mission code of the Soviet manned Moon mission, and OK is the abbreviation in Russian (Okolozemny Korabl) ,means the Low Earth Orbit.

The Soyuz spacecraft can be traced back to the early 1960s, when it was designed by Korolev Bureau (OKB-1) as the crew module of the moon mission. Until the 1964 coup, when Khrushchev stepped down, Korolev's team lost policy support. The new Brezhnev government prefers the arms race, so the balance of advantage is shifted to the Chelomei Bureau, which advocates the construction of orbital military space stations. The new government only supports the military part of the Korolevs project - the orbiter in the manned Moon moon mission, which is the later 7KOK. The original interstellar travel has become an epitome on low Earth orbit. In addition to Korolev's early death and the repeated failures of the N1 rocket in the test, the Soviet moon landing plan was finally destroyed in the intense political competition and the intrigue between the design bureaus, and the Soyuz spacecraft became its tombstone.

Different from its predecessor, the Vostok and the Vosthod , the Soyuz spacecraft is composed of Habitation Module, Descent Module and Instrument Compartment. which has a larger living space and higher security. For the first time, it is equipped with an Igla docking mechanism and solar panels. It can handle more difficult space missions, and can accommodate 2 to 3 crew members with a total mass of 6 to 8 tons. The carrier rocket is built by TsSKB Progress in Samarra. It is an ideal shuttle vehicle between the Earth and LEO, which can provide members and supplies for your space station.


More concise activation group panel

Automatic flight program (AG8)

Super detailed spaceship

Lower parts of the rocket and launch tower

More realistic Korolev Cross

Working automatic escape system (AG1)

Real time flight data display (AG13)


The accuracy of automatic orbit entry and the jettison effect of booster depend on your physical frames

It is better to close the damage to avoid triggering automatic escape

Some problems may occur at the end of the program. If necessary, please fine-tune the orbit manually

The fairing is divided into two parts for escape system

Don't touch AG11 and AG12

Thank you very much for reading this.

Hope you like it!

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  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.924.0
  • Price: $150,542k
  • Number of Parts: 5259
  • Dimensions: 45 m x 16 m x 16 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.0km/s
  • Total Thrust: 29.1MN
  • Engines: 119
  • Wet Mass: 1.31E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.39E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
4 12 406m/s 77kN 1.82hours 1.31E+6kg
5 20 378m/s 4.7MN 2.4m 1.31E+6kg
6 20 378m/s 0N 722,516,978years 1.31E+6kg
9 0 0m/s 0N 0s 1.09E+5kg
10 0 0m/s 0N 0s 1.08E+5kg
12 8 454m/s 417kN 1.8m 1.07E+5kg
14 0 0m/s 0N 0s 11,108kg
15 6 1.4km/s 11kN 18.1m 11,108kg
21 6 8m/s 1.4MN 0s 1,363kg


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    4,049 Utkin

    The work may have potential bugs.
    If any, please follow this comment and report the bug to me.

    Pinned 1.5 years ago
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    4,049 Utkin

    Happy new year for simplerockets2!

    And happy new year for everyone.

    Pinned 1.5 years ago
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    the tower keep explode when launch:)

    20 days ago
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    @Utkin how do i make a soyuz abort?

    10 months ago
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    4,049 Utkin

    @CLESstudio Thank you for your approval!

    1.5 years ago
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    8,221 CLESstudio

    increadible masterpiece

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    15.5k ATGA


    +1 1.5 years ago
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    +2 1.5 years ago


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