I started a space station. I have one module up now which is basically just a large battery, a big tank of mono-propellant, RCS, and a large solar array. The next module is actually a crew return module, but I have to learn how to do an orbital intercept.
I also created a stupidly OP heavy lift vehicle. Basically 5 Apex I engines on a large tank and a faring to house either three cylindrical modules at a time, or one oddly shaped module.
@AstronautPlanes despues de varios exámenes finales me apetecía jugar bastante, que el poco tiempo libre que tengo últimamente lo dedico a avanzar con RSS y RE, echaba de menos crear y compartir ideas
it shouldn't be too long until it comes out though @AstronautPlanes
@AstronautPlanes lol jajajja
2 aircraft 1 rover
@Nerfenthusiast Oh...
nothing as I have to wait for it to release on ios
I started a space station. I have one module up now which is basically just a large battery, a big tank of mono-propellant, RCS, and a large solar array. The next module is actually a crew return module, but I have to learn how to do an orbital intercept.
I also created a stupidly OP heavy lift vehicle. Basically 5 Apex I engines on a large tank and a faring to house either three cylindrical modules at a time, or one oddly shaped module.
@AaronDoesSpace You surpassed me!
(I earned 104 today)
I recreated the Iridium Satellite, the Solar Gravity Swarm Probe, and gained 120 points in one day
@nico412 Ohh...
Mi viejo vive ahi jsjdajsdja
@AstronautPlanes quiii
soy argentino vieja
@nico412 Lol, y eres otro chileno weta ql??!!
@diegoavion84 entendi eso bb
(this is just a temporary UI, it will be like SP overload)
Planned russian moon rocket
@pedro16797 Ah...
@AstronautPlanes me refiero a los mods para SR2 que estamos haciendo
@pedro16797 Yo tambien jugaba KSP con Realism Overhaul/RSS
@AstronautPlanes despues de varios exámenes finales me apetecía jugar bastante, que el poco tiempo libre que tengo últimamente lo dedico a avanzar con RSS y RE, echaba de menos crear y compartir ideas
@pedro16797 ...
Tantas cosas estas haciendo??
nothing, because of school.
Space elevators, complex shape solar panels, improvements in the land speed record, xml coding for RSS, some research for RE and some bug reports :D
@Planefun Oh wow!
Ready for upvote that big proyect...