The Official F.A.R Community Station Status Update

"Finally" -everyone who was waiting for CSS 2

Been a while since I've made one of these huh ? Well we are finally back ! For those who don't know the CSS (community space station) was a fantastic community project which many have wanted a sequel too. Just like the original this project is open to everyone. We here at F.A.R are excited to see what modules the new members will construct for this station. As for veterans of the CSS we have added a twist in the form of a tier system that will provide a fun challenge for users both novice and experienced.

Community Space Station As of 3-29-20

We are barely 24 hours in and progress is going at break neck speed ! We have 20 members already aboard and our numbers are growing. To join our Discord server click here

Closing Thoughts

I cannot thank the returning members enough for their previous help. I also can't wait to see new members join this project !


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    16.0k Forwind

    @NoIDontWanna if you still would like to send a module I can give you the guidelines so you can build one and add it for you

    4.2 years ago
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    16.0k Forwind

    @NoIDontWanna you should join

    4.2 years ago


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