So, I've now released the Kal Tabin system, so now I'm going to focus on a making a new system: Alpha Kantoreen. This will be another trinary system, but this time, It'll be an S-type with a red dwarf orbiting instead of a P-type with a brown dwarf orbiting. It's have 3 stars (obviously), with 2 being G-types and 1 being M-type. There will also be 21 planets, with 9 orbiting star A, 7 Orbiting B, and 5 orbiting C. Here's a picture of one of the most important objects in the system, the moon Aflaris/Alpha Kantoreen Ah II:

(Aflaris in the foreground with Zernu in the background. Taken in Universe Sandbox)

Anyways, I hope you are as excited as I am!

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    3,291 Isosceles51

    NOTE: I need help with doing xml edits for the system, as it will be in RSS scale, so even if I did each one separately (Which I DON’T want to do), I would still have at least one planet per system with an over 1 Billion km orbit. That isn’t even taking into consideration the entire system, as the two primary stars orbit 2,900 AU from the system barycenter (with an eccentricity of around 0.5), and star C orbits 11,559 AU/0.183 ly from the barycenter. Yeah, I need help with the xml editing.

    Pinned 17 days ago


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