Announcing Vincere I: DSC's first orbital rocket. Vincere I is a medium-lift launch vehicle that is designed to be your cheap, versatile and reliable ride to space.

Software engineers at Dutch Space Company are currently developing flight software that will enable Vincere I to deliver your satellites fully autonomously. Updates on the flight software are currently expected to arrive towards the end of 2021.

  • Specs
    Height: 36 meters
    Liftoff Thrust: 2913 kN
    Payload to LDO: 8200 kg
    Payload to Polar LDO: 4000 kg (rated)
    Payload to MDO: 7500 kg
    Payload to HDO: 1600 kg (rated)

  • Launch Service
    Vincere I will be a commercial launch vehicle and it will be possible to reserve your launch slot online. Dutch Space Company requires you to read and agree to all terms in Vincere I's user manual, that will be made public in January 2022.

There will be an online form available to reserve your satellite slot in a rideshare mission. This will be made public at the same time as the user manual. If you require a dedicated launch or have a question about our launch service, please reach out to

Vincere I is available for download:
Vincere I

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    1,159 YaMomzBox420

    Nice! Welcome to the SimpleRockets community! That'll be a recurring monthly charge of $19.95 USD payable only through Dogecoin or Steam Gift Cards, thank you. 🥸 Jkjk lol

    Also, since you're new and seem to have missed it, you can visit the Post Formatting Guide to learn how to make clickable links and stuff(you already got the bullet points down 👍). Also, I'd take a quick peak at the Rules to make sure you don't accidentally invoke the wrath of the Great Droo... Best of luck and make sure to have fun!

    +2 2.5 years ago

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