look, i get that we can create and upload almost anything we want, but can you all just take a 5 minute break from making hundreds of SpaceX replicas? mainly starship. every day there’s like 20 new starships that flood the website and it’s getting obnoxious and boring. just please, take a break, try making something original that you came up with, use your creativity instead of copying the exact same craft



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    I make war vehicles o-O

    3.3 years ago
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    6,002 Natedoge

    But I mean why do you care? Sure, it may be repetitive, but everyone has done this at some point. Personally, I specialize in making almost exact replicas, but every now and then I make a new original craft. I don’t see why they should stop, it’s not like it’s hurting you, and most of them get only like 5-7 upvotes. Either way, I don’t see how it’s a problem.

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    11.4k Chtite451SR2

    i rly dont mind tbh, people build what they want, (as long as it doesnt break any rules, of course) but yeah... people havent really been trying either... there are some good ones however, just let the people do it, unless its starting to become them spamming...

    3.3 years ago
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    Or, just let them do what they enjoy doing. If they enjoy making SpaceX replicas, then they will make SpaceX replicas.

    +8 3.3 years ago
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    @Tweedle_Aerospace pretty much 80% of the spacex replicas in a nutshell

    3.3 years ago
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    I wouldn’t have a problem except for the fact that I can make a better one than most of them in less than 5 minutes.

    +2 3.3 years ago


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