While I've been using HyperPatch's Solar System v.1.3, I noticed there are a number of different takes on the solar system we know and love. Does anyone have a particular opinion as to which one is best and/or most accurate, and if so, why?



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    10.1k Insanity

    @Chtite451SR2 the problem with tidal lock is, that its not an existing feature, you have to manually set the rotation value of the moon to the orbital period, which will never truely line up perfectly.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    11.4k Chtite451SR2

    RTSS is the most accurate, because the maker uses actual satellite data to make the terrain
    Plus the moon should be tidally locked (I pointed out it wasn't a while ago so if it's not fixed he probably having issues)
    RSS may have all the planets, but RTSS is better because the terrain is real not just anything else

    3.4 years ago

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