When I used to play on the iPhone 6s, I often quit by mistake, resulting in my work not being saved.
Now, after switching to the iPhone 12, I still quit by mistake. My work is half finished, and the maximum will be more than 10000 parts.
But the iPhone 12 can only load up to 4000 parts, but the Android phone can load more than 15000, I used my grandmother's Android phone to test!
My grandmother's mobile phone has never had an error when loading 10000 parts of crafts even in the highest quality (Although the mobile phone is very stuttering)
I hope Juno will take this bug report seriously.

Bug Rejected Found in
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    @Pedro QAQ

    one month ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Although very powerful, iPhones tend to have a lot less memory than Androids, which is likely your problem. Even if you quit without saving the game should remember what you had in the designer.

    one month ago

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